Guild Tattoos

The BotSP have a secret process of magical tattoos, although this service is only available to Monks. Tattoos can be purchased using temporary or permanent ink. Temporary tattoos have a 25% chance per turn or wearing off (they can even run out on the turn they are purchased if you are very unlucky), while permanent tattoos last forever.

The tattoos currently available are:-

The Dragons Eye Tattoo Description

Tattoos The Dragon's Eye tattoo is a stylised logo, a circle with a slip running vertically up and down. Monk's who gain this tattoo are granted a magical bonus to their mental defence of +5, given by the everwatching spirit of the great serpent, a physical manifestation of the power of the mind.

The Mystic Tiger Tattoo Description

Tattoos The Mystic Tiger is a colourful tattoo which depicts the head of a tiger, a savage catlike creature which exists in the
land of Kyr. The animal head is surrounded by green mist. These two elements are marked upon a monk to symbolise their ferocity in the face of a magical enemy. A monk so tattooed is granted +5 magical defence.

Dragon's Eye, temporary for members, 25 GPs, order 'L 20'.
Dragon's Eye, permanent for members, 420 GPs, order 'L 21'.
Dragon's Eye, temporary for non-members, 100 GPs, order 'L 22'.
Dragon's Eye, permanent for non-members, 1200 GPs, order 'L 23'.

Mystic Tiger, temporary for members, 25 GPs, order 'L 24'.
Mystic Tiger, permanent for members, 420 GPs, order 'L 25'.
Mystic Tiger, temporary for non-members, 100 GPs, order 'L 26'.
Mystic Tiger, permanent for non-members, 1200 GPs, order 'L 27'.